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DOB: August 7th 2009


Fostered August 7th 2019 ~ Adopted November 14, 2019

From The Internet Miniature Pinscher Service

Piper 1st year 2019         My Home Girl  Lady




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Not much of a bang starting the New Year off... 
Dad & Mom didn't stay up late so it was just another night.  Guess that's the way it is when you get older!


What strange weather...  We've been having some nice days in the 50's and today, January 8th we wake up to snow?  I don't mind it that much especially since it's supposed to be in the high 60's this weekend..

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I don't mind the snow and the cold but my best place is being the  "under cover" dog!

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January 10, 2020  My older room mate Jinx, since I came here in August wasn't in the best of shape with his back and legs.  He did however try his best to keep up but, as the months went on I could tell his framework was getting weaker.  After the first of the year he was mostly walking, started limping and eventually Dad & Mom were carrying him outside to take care of business.  Today they learned his meds would never be enough to help him be pain free so they took him this morning to see Doctor Anderson to be set free of any more hurt...   It's different in here now without him.. It was his home for eleven years when we came here to live and he made me feel welcome and I will always remember him

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I know Dad feels really down since he had to say goodbye to his buddy Jinx last week.
  I'm letting him know I'm here for him...

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Yup, this is a good thing for both of us!

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Especially good when the sun is just right!

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I keep coming across some really neat things in that toy box!

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February 3, 2020  I turn my back for a second and find Lady laying next to (MY) Dad...

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Yes Dad, look at me...  I should be on your lap!!

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It's raining and cold outside, they won't be able to find me here...

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February 17th, Presidents Day...   Dad decided to drag his old flash photo equipment out of the closet to takes some pictures of us girls.  He posted some of the results on Facebook and I got way more likes than Lady did...  But hey, look at me!

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February 22, 2020  The month is winding down and it's 39 degrees outside today and I miss that string of 50+ degree days we were having.   Lady loves to be outside no matter how cold it is but that's not me...

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This is the usual position for both of us...
Me under the covers and Lady laying on her back!!

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Yup, It would be a real shame to ever waste a good sunbeam...

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First day of March 2020. It's a lazy Sunday afternoon and a little cold outside today!

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The dryer sheets being used here aren't doing enough to stop static cling!

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March 9th 2020  I'm not that interested in being outside much but it was 75 degrees today and since everyone else was out there I didn't want to be left out.  There was some yard work going on so I decided to do a little exploring on my own like Lady is always doing...

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Seems like on Friday the 13th all hell broke loose in our area because everyone in the US is concerned about that Corona Virus.  I heard Dad & Mom talking and it does sound scary with everything shutting down, people getting sick and dying. 



Middle of April and Mom is busy sewing masks so they can go out in public since all of the Covid19 crap is still going on...  I'll just do my usual hiding out under my blankets!

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I don't know how to chew my carrots with my mouth closed!

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April 29th ~ Beautiful sunny day today to be out in the yard.  Lady has been finding baby birds to gobble up before Dad can take them away.  She's being sly about giving up the location where they are coming from and Dad is getting pissed.  She ate three today and  I wouldn't mind having a little snack too!!



A beautiful  Saturday May 2nd to be out in the yard.  Keeping an eye on Lady now to see where she's been finding those baby birds a few days ago..  I think they are all gone by now but, I need to watch out for the low flying ones...

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I was in my cave, was someone looking for me?

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June has come and gone and it's been getting hot!!!
Checking out the view from Lady's spot...

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Way too hot outside...  I needed to get back to my happy place, with Dad !!

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Middle of July and there's a fat ground hog hanging out in the yard now that's been living under the shed...

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The temps lately have been in the 90's and today the 18th of July it's 97
but it's nice in here with the ac on and laying under a ceiling fan at nap time with Dad!

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August 7th 2020
Celebrating One Year Living with Linda & Jimmy  (aka Mom & Dad)
We will also be celebrating my Birthday on this day from now on since no one knows for sure when it is.
11 Years old !



That pizza smells so good especially because it has BACON on it
but it's one of Mom & Dad's dinner foods we aren't allowed to have...
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October 5, 2020   I knew something was up this morning when there was no breakfast being served and I had my harness on.  Turns out I was headed to see Doctor Anderson for a dental appointment.  It's been a very long day at the vet's office.  I had bloodwork done which was no problems found, negative heartworm test results and a rabies shot.  Oh yeah, and they pulled 6 teeth...  I'm tired and I want to eat a huge bowl of food but not tonight.  I guess it will be much easier to chew those tasty biscuits now and will have fresh breath!


My mouth has healed up just fine after 12 days and
I can now chew those delicious home made biscuits much better!

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First of November already, Dad's Birthday. I freaked him out when he asked where Jinx was...

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There's nothing like laying on the floor in a warm sunbeam on a cold day with Dad!

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