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Dam:  Walker's Kit Kat         Sire: Walker's Blue

DOB: November 2, 2019 

Foster on March 4, 2021 ~ Adopted April 4, 2021

Aries 1st year 2021

Here are my house mates:   Lady  &  Piper


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January 3rd   What a way to start the new year off with 11 inches of wet snow!
Yesterday it was 63 degrees!!

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The snow wasn't enough excitement so I had to chew up most of a door knob bumper that came off the wall in the hallway.  Mom shot peroxide down my throat and I puked half of it up and the rest came out the next day...

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Left is a new one and right is what's left of the one I destroyed


Dad wanted to make sure there was no pieces left in me...
The white ones were puked up and the brown ones were recovered in.........
And yes, they were weighed!

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January 7th Friday we got another round of snow early in the morning.
It was only three inches this time but that's about enough of this for one week!

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The sun is finally doing a good job getting our yard back!

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Spoke too soon...  January 16th, Sunday night
we got a few inches of snow, sleet and then finally rain!!!

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Enough with the snow and cold....  It's time for Dad to throw that toy and play some fetch!

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January 29th 2022  Here we go again with the snow.  Just a few inches this time.

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February 25th  Dad & Mom brought home Zoey for us to foster and find her a new home.
She's a big girl but not too big that we can't run through the house together!

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March 4, 2022
One year Anniversary at my new home!

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We've had some great weather lately  50's 60's  and even a 78 degree day...
But on Saturday March 12th is was windy, cold and a little snow and still cold Sunday morning!!!

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April 3rd 2022 ~ Zoey was adopted to a nice family in Baltimore, MD


The weather is really getting nice and warm...

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Mom took me to my last class that was supposed to teach me how to listen and behave over the last eight weeks.
I did what they wanted me to do so I could get treats and fool them into thinking "they" are in charge!

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The months have been rolling along and Dad found time to update some of our pictures....

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Nothing to do but watch the flowers grow!


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And, look for critters hiding...


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Ahhh, the warmth of the sun...


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It seems I just can't stay out of trouble...
July 19th 2022  I managed to swallow a rather large button battery and had to go to the hospital for x-rays.

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The plan was to wait until the next day to see if I could poop it out but nope...
So I went back to get another x-ray to see if even moved but it didn't.
Next stop was the Spay spot for surgery to remove the darn thing.
It's lucky that it was done because they also found a peach pit I swallowed, but don't know when...

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Heading home after my surgery and I feel groggy and hurting...
All I wanted to do when I got home was sleep and recover....


July 21st 2022   Made my way outside finallyto take care of business but that's about it. 
There's no running through the yard for a while yet!

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August 2, 2022 and I'm finally allowed to move around without the donut around my neck
and be allowed to jump up on the furniture.  It was a long two weeks!!


Well October is almost gone and time flies..   Where did Summer go?
I haven't gotten into any more trouble lately, especially eating things I shouldn't.
Dad keeps a close eye on me now!

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Today Is November 2, 2022 And I Am Three Years Old Today!

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The New Year is coming fast...
I wonder what kind of trouble I'll get into!




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