Jinx   The Wild  Dog

CKC     DOB:  12/08/04
DAM:  Sheila's Miss Abby       SIRE:  Spike Little Man Of Steel

Adopted September 28, 2008
From The Internet Miniature Pinscher Service


Jinx Year 2014   Jinx Year 2013   Jinx Year 2012   Jinx Year 2011

 Jinx Year 2010    Jinx Year 2009     Jinx 1st Year 2008   

My Buddy Jack      My Buddy Pippin



January 6th ~ First snowfall for the year was only a few inches but it's really cold out!!!


It's the end of January and there's another foster girl "Rose" in the house and I'm not thrilled...
I guess there's nothing to do but let her know the pecking order!



Rose will figure it out soon enough who's the BOSS...


February 17th > Last night on President's Day we got around 4 inches or so of this nasty snow...

Spring can't get here fast enough!!

March 5th another round of snow.. It was over 40 degrees yesterday!!

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Middle of April and the weather is finally starting to get nice and warm..
I spend too much time waiting for the "White Dog" to come outside so I can go insane and bark
even though he pays no attention to me at all!

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As nice as it's getting outside THIS is the BEST place to be!

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May 10th and the weather is really getting nice!!

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May 27th:  Dad found a lump near the ribs on my left side yesterday and did some research. 
Even though he was almost 100% certain it was just a fatty tumor, I went to the vet today anyway just to make sure... 
All is good, he just has to keep an eye on it...

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Summer won't officially be her for two weeks and it sure is nice outside!

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Well the 4th of July came & went fast...
Today I'm gonna enjoy every bit of energy from that big orange ball because warm weather doesn't last long....

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Hey, I think I smell a bird!!

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Gotta get my exercise....

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Mom & Dad are so lucky they get to leave the house and go to work every day...
Well, maybe it's not as relaxing as staying home!

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August 1st ~ Not starting a new month off good...
Got Mom up 2:30 AM  wanting to go outside but was stumbling around and couldn't make it.  I couldn't walk straight and crashed in the dining room.  I laid there for about ten minutes while the other boys went outside and then once helped up I've been fine ever since.  The vet said for Mom & Dad to just watch me and maybe take me in for a check-up next week.  It's got to be stressful for them since they're dealing with Pippin's neck problems too!



August 8th and we are watching Tyler for a few weeks who Pippin used to live with almost 4 years ago.  He is slowly getting used to our place since he can't see or hear very well.  He's having to be covered so he can't re-mark all of the places here that us bad boys bombed over the year..

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September 2nd, I have a boil like thing between my toes and it was getting worse from licking so it has to be wrapped up.  Since I kept chewing the bandage off now I have to wear a cone of shame... I don't think Pippin cares that I'm wearing his old cone.  In fact, I think he is secretly laughing to himself!

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September 12th...  After having my foot wrapped up for ten days, Dad took me to the vet only to find out the infection between my toes needs strong antibiotics and a steroid shot. The good news is I don't need my foot wrapped any more.  The bad news is I'm not allowed to lick on it so I have a cone of my own now to wear for at least two more weeks...

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My foot is almost back to normal after 3 weeks of meds and wearing that dreadful cone off and on to stop me from licking..  So nice to be able to relax without my head being in the plastic tunnel!

~~~  September 28th 2015  ~~~
Linda & Jimmy (Mom & Dad) Adopted me 7 years ago today!!!

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Yup, It's really fine living here !

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Middle of October and starting to get cold outside so it's time to check out the toy box..

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October 24th ~ Dad bought us lucky dogs ~ New plush beds !

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Life Is Good!!

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December 8th
Celebrating My 11th Birthday !



~ Pet Lover Links ~



Dogs 101: Miniature Pinscher : Video : Animal Planet


       Miniature Pinscher ~  The King Of Toys






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