Jinx   The Wild  Dog

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CKC     DOB:  12/08/04
DAM:  Sheila's Miss Abby       SIRE:  Spike Little Man Of Steel

Adopted September 28, 2008
From The Internet Miniature Pinscher Service


  Jinx Year 2018   Jinx Year 2017     Jinx Year 2016   Jinx Year 2015     Jinx Year 2014  Jinx Year 2013   Jinx Year 2012     

 Jinx Year 2011  Jinx Year 2010    Jinx Year 2009     Jinx 1st Year 2008   

My Buddy Jack      My Buddy Pippin    My newest room mates:   Lady    &    Piper




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Not much of a bang starting a new year since there was no one here willing to stay up until midnight!

It's Friday January 11th and Jack is really having trouble getting around with his bad back and legs.  He looks so skinny and he's acting a little strange and needy today and we are all making a trip to see Doctor Anderson around noon.  I heard Jack will have his blood tested to make sure his internal organs are doing their job.  It's a little scary though since the last time the whole family went to the vet in July 0f 2017, Pippin didn't come back home with us...


Well Jack got blood work and an xray and since his labs weren't too bad at all and the xray didn't show anything too much worse, he got his medications increased because he must have been in pain or at least not comfortable.  Glad we all came back home!



I really like the piece of carpet Dad put down on the bathroom floor so I can hang out...

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January 12th, 2019 Saturday evening into Sunday afternoon we're getting a bunch of this darn snow again...
It's not a crazy amount but just enough to make getting around a drag.  Mom was nice enough to clear some paths!

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Monday January 14th, 2019
After a day and a half of off and on snow we ended up with about 8 inches and that's about all I can handle getting through. My buddy Jack walks around on the paths Mom cleared but I know he would like to be able to go where I go!

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January is almost gone and there's not too much to get excited about around here...

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Although when I do get excited, my ears stand straight up and Jack and I almost look alike!

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1st day of February and got a little snow today...   Less than two inches so Dad used his leaf blower to make it easier to get through the yard.  Truth us I can handle it but Jack isn't that steady on his feet any longer so it's for his benefit...

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February 20th 2019  and it seems every year that Spring is near see it  >> SNOW...
At least it's not supposed to be much more than four inches then turn to all rain this time...



Today is April 1st 2019   A few days ago it was over 70 and today it's windy and in the mid 30's...
Looking forward to some warm days.   Mom & Dad are concerned with the way Jack is moving about lately, especially this morning.  I saw him fall on his ass a few times trying to make his way into the kitchen.  Dad contacted Dr Anderson and his meds were increased again.  I know it's just a matter of time when the pills won't be able to help him or they end up damaging his organs.  We all had a good run here and it's hard to believe Pippin's been gone a year and a half already. I'm an old dog too and I hate that I'm starting to loose my hearing now..  Day by day!


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April 18th 2019   I heard Mom & Dad last night talking about taking Jack to the vet today...  Something about for his last time whatever that means.  Turns out Dr. Anderson was too busy to have us all go in so I guess it will be at a later date...  I know Jack is having a really hard time getting around and laying in a position where he is comfortable...

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April 20th 2019 ~ It was a nice warm sunny day so Dad took me for a walk around the block which we haven't done in a while. It was nice to explore the neighborhood and check messages at all of the light poles.  With Pippin gone and Jack not walking very well at all it looks like we will be walking alone from now on.   Not that it's a bad thing just different.  I can still remember some of the foster dogs that made the trip with us before.

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May 2nd 2019 ~ It sucks I can't eat chicken because of my skin allergies because Jack is always getting special food made with it so he can take all of those daily pills.  He got a batch of veggies & a bunch of chicken for dinner tonight but I heard it will be his last dinner here.   We're all going to see Doctor Anderson tomorrow afternoon so he can set Jack free from all of his medical conditions.  We all know he's not the Jack from years ago and can tell he's ready for the relief.  With Pippin gone for a year and a half and Jack leaving, it's not going to be the same around here any more...
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May 2, 2019 ~  We all went for a ride this afternoon to the vet's office so Jack could be set free from his sad medical condition.   He just wasn't the crazy hyper boy we once knew.  I know he didn't like being carried outside to take care of business and that's all he did.  There wasn't any walking around the yard looking for rodents through the flower beds any more.  He was afraid of falling all the time so he would just stand there.  We could see it in his eyes he had enough.   We saw Doctor Tuthill and he was really kind and gentle to lead Jack towards final peace. That was the calmest I ever saw Jack ride in the car, he was usually panting.  I truly believe he knew relief was soon to come...

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Saturday May 4th 2019 ~  Since it was a cooler overcast day Dad decided to take me for a short walk.  Jack and I didn't really hang out together over the years and in the last couple of months he wasn't much interested in even going outside with me and I felt sorry for him.  Even so, just because we weren't tight it doesn't mean I don't miss his presence.  It's kind of scary in here when Mom & Dad are gone.  Guess I will adjust in time like it was when I was alone here a month after Spike passed away.  I can tell Dad is taking it hard since they were much closer than me or Pippin.

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Sunday May 5th 2019 ~ It's a rainy dreary day outside so Dad decided to make a batch of his delicious biscuits..  Almost two years ago Pippin left us so it was just Jack and I waiting for them to come out of the oven.   I could tell Dad was a little upset today now that Jack has passed on a few days ago. He really looks so sad yet smiles when I look up at him..  I have to admit it's just not the same in here any more.  I guess time will eventually heal the wounds.........

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May 14th 2019 ~ Mom & Dad took me to see Doctor Tuthill today for my annual check up.  The last time we were here was almost two weeks ago when Jack came too but didn't come back home with us....  Luckily this almost 15 year old's bloodwork wasn't too bad but my teeth still need to be cleaned.   Mom & Dad think it's too risky for me to be under anesthesia with my heart murmur so we aren't going to have it done. 

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Did I mention my favorite pass time??

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Yup, life is Good!


Saturday May 25th 2019 ~  Since Jack has left us it was bothering DAD to see the empty slot not being used in the dual food bowl set up he made ten years ago so he built another one today...
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To tell you the truth I didn't care what was holding the food bowl as long as there's something in it !!

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I know I was the top dog when first coming here but it just doesn't feel the same any more
since Pippin and Jack are gone....

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Sunday June 2, 2019   Jack's been gone a month and Dad has been giving me more one on one time lately.   He made a batch if biscuits which I enjoy smelling as they come out of the oven and like sampling them even more.  After he finished baking we took advantage of the cool morning and went for a short walk to read the neighborhood  "peeets"

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I sure am getting a bunch more attention now that I'm the only dog here...

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July 1st, 2019  Tomorrow it will be two months since my buddy Jack left us...
Once in awhile, like this morning, my floppy ears will stand straight up like Jack's
Dad had to do a double take and it freaked him out for a few seconds...

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July is almost over and Summer will soon be ending as fast as it began...
I guess that's the way it seems when you get old, time gets away from you...
It was a cool morning before the heat arrives this afternoon so Dad and I went for a short walk...

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August 2nd 2019  It's been two years since Pippin passed away and three months since Jack also left us.  I'm starting to get used to being the only dog in the house now and it's tough since my hearing isn't very good.  I remember  Dad saying  "no more dogs" after Jack passed but I know that's not entirely true.  I think he meant no more adoptions so that's why he agreed to have two girls from Dallas  fly here Wednesday August 7th to be fostered.  I know he didn't want any more leg lifters that's for sure since there's been some pieces of furniture go to the curb over the years from all of the pee stains.  They were in an Oklahoma shelter and were pulled by Megan.  Vicky and her daughter picked them up from her and took them home to Texas.  They are working hard to get these two girls to us... Maybe it will be alright having an 8 and 10 year old come to visit my old 14 year old self just as long as those girls aren't too bossy! 

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August 7th 2019   Mom & Dad went to Reagan National Airport this morning to bring Piper and Lady here for awhile to find them their forever homes.  They aren't too bossy but they are faster on their feet than I am but then again, I'm 14 and they're 8 and 10...  I'll share my space with them since I'm a good boy!

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The middle of August and we've had some hot days lately but it's still better than when Winter gets here...

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Piper seems to have found my bathroom guard dog spot!

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These silly girls didn't care about veggies until they saw me enjoying them. 

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August 29th 2019   I heard rumors that I will be going to see Doctor Anderson soon to have my teeth cleaned again.  I know my breath isn't too nice and my teeth do look brownish so I guess it's needed.  Dad & Mom are concerned about me being under anestshia since I have a heart murmur and I am going to be 15 in December so they decided it was too risky and decided against it...

Look ~ A Zombie Dog !

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Nope, It's Just Piper....


Couple of weeks into September and we are slowly losing daylight
and getting relief here and there from the heat.  Piper and Lady, the two foster girls are still here waiting on someone to adopt them. 


You gonna eat all of that banana?
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September 28, 2019

Celebrating 11 Years Being Adopted By Linda & Jimmy ~ aka (Mom & Dad)

I believe this picture of me on the IMPS website sealed the deal!

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Piper may have the bed, but I've got my sunbeam!

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Three weeks into October ~ this year is really moving along.
The two girls are "still" here waiting to find their forever home but that's ok,

it's nice to have some company when Mom & Dad aren't around...



This is my favorite place to be...

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November 1st 2019  Tomorrow we will be gaining an extra hour of sleep when the clocks are turned back, yeah! but it sucks getting dark earlier.  Today is Dad's Birthday but he never celebrates it and this particular one wasn't very nice for him.  The girls, Piper & Lady are leaving on Monday November 4th for a meet & greet with a nice couple that wants to adopt them both.  If all goes well which Mom said it probably will, she will come home alone.   Since Pippin & Jack have passed on I liked having company with me when Mom & Dad are gone.  Dad spotted a little seven year old little 8lb  Min Pin girl at the shelter a few days ago and told them we want to foster her after the stray hold is up.  Turns out she had a really bad infection while she was alone wandering the streets and Dad was about to go see her when the shelter called and said her system is too far gone to survive and had to be put to sleep.  I could see Dad was really devastated because he was really looking forward to me having another friend to visit.   Guess we are all  lucky Mom & Dad love us so much and would never abandon us. 

RIP little girl Anoki, wish we could have met.

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November 4, 2019    Mom took the foster girls for a meet & greet today but wasn't comfortable with the potential adopter only wanting to take Lady without Piper so they are back home...
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November 9th, 2019   The weather is starting to get cold and it's not too much fun out now but it's always nice to lay in a sun beam.  It's nice having other dogs here to keep me company but Dad had to make sure Lady goes out the back door before I do.  Yesterday I went out first and stood on the patio when a black and tan freight train  hit me, spun me around and knocked me off my feet onto my back.  Dad was pissed to see my old body with back issues get knocked around.

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November 14th 2019   Mom & Dad decided today to adopt Lady & Piper.
They have been here over three months and fit right in from day one. Since they were bounced around from a few different homes and shelters over the years before landing here Mon & Dad decided to let them just let our home be their last home!



Piper seems to be getting closer to bonding with Dad
but I did let her know where the boundaries were!

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December 8th 2019
Today Is My 15th  Birthday!

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December 11, 2019  ~  WTH ?  It was 50 degrees yesterday !

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Aren't  I  Cute?

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